Congratulations Jaclyn (anyone who would want 107 oreos is a friend of mine!) and BettyCrockerAss! (because I've got a lot of days I'd like to do over too)
I'll be contacting you to find out where to ship your pincushions to.
Thanks to everyone who commented. I loved them all but unfortunately I could only pick 2.
A friend of mine pointed out the other day that I currently have 107 followers on this blog.
I’ve been flirting with the 100 mark for quite some time but to finally achieve it, and actually surpass it – well it feels like an accomplishment, even though all I do is randomly post some drivel about bears crapping in the woods.
107! Thanks everyone. It honestly means a lot to me that 107 of you find this place useful enough and entertaining enough to add it to what I’m sure is a long list of other internet stops in your busy lives. I mean Farmville isn’t going to play itself, am I right?
So to sufficiently express my gratitude I’m giving away two of these lovely funky pincushions.
All you have to do to win is tell me in the comments what you’d like to have 107 of. Consider this your thought provoking Thursday! (hey, I know it's Friday but Blogger was unavailable yesterday when I tried to post so cut me some slack)
Everybody wants 107 of something, right?
107 life sized Smurf figurines – sign me up!
107 vacation days from work - oh yeah!
107 freckles – what? I’ve got a lot more than that right now, 107 would be a reduction!
You get the idea. Now to be fair I should probably just choose a winner at random but I’ve never really been accused of being fair. So I’m just going to pick the two that make me smile the biggest and they will be the winners.
Be sure to leave some way for me to get in contact with you.