Thursday, November 19, 2009

Clothing my inner 13 year old

Who's excited for New Moon? I am, I am!

T-shirt night was a success. I churned out two t-shirts because you can never have enough of Edward right? And my friend Carrie made a *gasp* Team Jacob shirt.

We used the freezer paper method which involved some setup time cutting out letters and shapes but I think the results are much better and more lasting than an iron on. Cheaper too actually. Those iron-on things are pricey and I'm really cheap. Give me some freezer paper and a $1.49 bottle of fabric paint and I'm good to go!

Here's the one with my Edward silhouette. In hindsight I should have done him in white as the shirt is a little too dark for him to really stand out. It still looks fab though! I'm thinking I'll put him on a pillowcase next - I'm sure my husband will appreciate that.

I found a full body silhouette of Edward online and put it on this comfy green shirt. It turned out really cool and this shirt won the job of being my official New Moon movie night shirt!

"I know you don't sleep Edward, but you must be weary. Please, feel free to rest your head on my bosom!"

Ah, so juvenile, and yet so fun!


Cartonnage Creativo by Ada. said...

I like that!!!

Vintage Tracy said...

I'm not even a fan, but you could seriously make some money selling these. I swear everyone I come in contact with is a-buzz with New Moon fever!

The Bear said...

I'm a Twilight Mom, too, but I can't bring myself to wear a commercial Twilight T (my daughters might disown me if I did, anyway). I LOVE your t-shirts and your friend's 'I'd imprint that' is fantastic! I think you should do a Charlie t-shirt. That would be funny! ;)