Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thought Provoking Thursday

Do you ever wonder what it takes to be a yarn spokesperson? I mean besides the ability to wear a formal evening gown and touch TV screens to make letters appear on them?

According to my web research (which consisted of visiting the Lion Brand web site) Vanna is "America's favorite crocheter". Really? I don't recall voting on that. How exactly was that title determined?

Her Wikipedia page states that she's an "avid crocheter". Well I suppose that's something, but I'm an avid reader, and nobody's offered to name a library after me. I'm not a low level celebrity though, so maybe that's the distinction.

Why not shoot for a more well known celebrity spokesperson. Surely other famous people like to crochet or perhaps knit. And really the rules here seem pretty lax. How about someone who just occassionally wears something knitted? Works for me.

Whose yarn would you buy?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thought Provoking Thursdays

One of my new year’s resolutions this year was to blog more often. Okay, okay it hasn’t been so successful. How are your resolutions going? Let’s talk about that bag of mini Snickers you’ve got stashed in your glove box before you judge me alright?

Sorry, I get overly defensive when faced with completely imaginary criticism.

Anyway, I haven’t given up. I’m throwing myself into this goal with wild abandon. Okay, more like mediocre interest. I’ve been searching the web for inspiration and I’ve noticed a lot of blogs do what is called “Wordless Wednesday”. Basically they just throw a random picture up and boom, blog entry complete.

My first reaction was, “pfft, those lazy cheeky monkeys” (yes that’s really the phrase that formed in my head – I’m a joy at dinner parties). But then, I realized the genius of it all. It’s a guaranteed weekly blog entry and you don’t even have to type anything! If I photographically catalogued my extensive collection of plastic windup toys I’d have blog fodder for a year! (these ones below are the pride and joy of my collection. You're riveted, aren't you?)

But you guys deserve more, right? Of course you do. You come here for . . . umm, what do you come here for? Oh yeah, craft tutorials, insights and all around entertainment. I can’t just throw some random pictures up and call it good. Besides, I started writing this post on a Thursday and I’m a huge fan of alliteration so I had to come up with something else, and I did:

Thought Provoking Thursdays!

What’s that, you ask? It’s an opportunity for me to provide you with little nuggets of wisdom, moral dilemmas, mind blowing questions or statements that will really get your mind working. You know like; “If a bear craps in the woods . . . “ no, that’s not right. “If a tree falls in the forest and hits a bear who's taking a crap does it make a sound. . .” no, no “If a tree falls in the forest, is it cut up, made into pulp and then turned into Charmin toilet paper, that a bear then uses when he craps in the woods?”

Well, next week will be better. I promise. I’ll try to make them craft related too, such as; “If a bear were to make a toilet paper cozy would he knit it or crochet it?”

On second thought, maybe I should have just waited until next Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Taste the Rainbow

Fall has always been my favorite season. But you know spring does have its advantages too.

Sweet, sugar coated marshmallow advantages!

My husband brought me these - illustrating exactly why I keep him around. Excuse me while I get my sugar rush on!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Wooden Cuteness

I absolutely love the internet, and not just because it allows me to see pictures of Alex Skarsgard in various states of undress whenever I wish . . . umm, but because it inspires me with lots of new crafting project ideas.
I came across this wooden peg matching and sorting dolls project on Gluesticks and it inspired me to make one of my own for my best friend's daughter's birthday. It was a great addition to the fabric doll I made her.

I couldn't find the cute little wooden doll pegs that Gluestick used but I found these that were a bit chunkier, which I thought would work better since the birthday girl is only 1 and these would be easier to grasp.

I also mounted the candle cups on a piece of wood. I figured this would make it easier to keep track of them all. The cups already had holes in the bottom of them so I literally just had to secure them to the piece of wood with screws.

I made sure to sand the edges of the wooden block also so that when she inevitably smacks her older brother over the head with it, it won't bruise nearly as bad.

I had a hard time keeping it away from my kids before I got it wrapped up.

I had so much fun making these that I was kind of sad to see them go too. I might have to find an excuse to make some more.