Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holiday Baking Extravaganza – and my cool flea market purchase

Some friends and I got together Friday night for what we dubbed, “Holiday Baking Extravaganza”. Five of us filled one kitchen with pans, sugar, butter, almond bark, chocolate and good conversation.

I and two of the stoutest of the group created holiday treats until 2 a.m. (the other two wimped out on us at about 10 pm). It was fantastic, and we all came away with tons of holiday goodies to share with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

I’m taking my goodies to work in a device that is my 2nd most exciting purchase of 2008 (my new camera is #1). I found this picnic carrier in a local flea market and couldn’t resist it. It was so unusual and unique. It has 5 stacking aluminum sections, the bottom of which has a removable handle that can convert it into a sauce pan or you can use the long handle and hang it over an open campfire for cooking in the great outdoors.

By the look of the literature inside I’d date it around the 50’s or 60’s. I found one on Ebay just like it and the bidding was creeping up to the $45 mark, which made me feel really good about getting this one for the low low price of 3.99!

I have no desire to sell it though, I love it too much. It’s perfect for carrying a large variety of different items very compactly and conveniently, plus it’s just downright retro cool!

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